Hi uli ,
Nice talk at FOSDEM for your cool project!
I also got a PCB (thanx!) and you inspired me with the opportunity to do the soldering myself so, I ordered the BoM as you kindly provided (including all the optional except the PSX connector) and I have an ETA of ~50d ...
I always wanted to have a base soldering station and a hotgun and this project was a nice opportunity so, I ordered both ? . I have soldered smd components before, like a few 1206 res/caps and some esps8266 with my old antex but after watching the soldering video I feel more confident on how to "handle" the VS with a hotgun!
just fyi paulgreg , especially for the VS, I got it already from TME at 4.45€ (chip) + 7.9€ (shipp.)! + VAT = 14.94€ in total and got it delivered in a very good package and there are a few still in stock in case you are inquiring...

I 'll try to keep you posted when everything (BoM and tools) arrives and start building the board!