Hi guys,
Had some time today and typed in and converted the Archimedes Spiral program originally for the Atari 8 bit machines.
I tried it on my Atari and it takes almost 3 hours like the article states, The basic engine does it in about a second lol.
Anyway, here's the listing.
10 white=RGB(255,255,255):black=RGB(0,0,0)
20 limitX=PSIZE(0):limitY=PSIZE(1)
150 xp=144:xr=4.71238905:xf=xr/xp
160 FOR zi=-64 TO 64
170 zt=zi*2.25:zs=zt*zt
180 xl=INT(SQR(20736-zs)+0.5)
190 FOR xi=0-xl TO xl
200 xt=SQR(xi*xi+zs)*xf
210 yy=(SIN(xt)+SIN(xt*3)*0.4)*56
220 x1=xi+zi+(limitX/2):y1=(limitY/2)-yy+zi
230 ON ERROR GOTO 250:PSET x1,y1,white
240 LINE x1,y1+1,x1,limitY,black
250 NEXT xi:NEXT zi
260 GOTO 260