Hi all!
have built my first Basic Engine and i’m confident with the hardware side (been soldering for many years) but it’s the firmware flashing that I’m struggling with.
I’ve downloaded the Esp flashing tool from the ESP website but I simply can’t get it toeven detect the board.
I occasionally get a blue flash from the Esp but there appears to be no rhyme or reason for it and i can’t make it do it. I flashed my Gotek drive with the same FTDI FT232 so don’t think that is the problem, but tried three others just in case.
Before I resort to dragging my Raspberry Pi out of the cupboard to see if The Linux method works for me, does anyone have a process for Windows?
Also - do you have to put the ESP into a ‘ready to accept firmware’ mode, and if so - how?
Thanks in advance for any help offered.