Hello my Engine BASIC friends. I recently started a GitHub repository to share programs I have made / am working on.
Here is the link: https://github.com/peek82/BASIC_Engine_Software
Recent programs that I have not posted about yet include:
Snek Gaym
A take on the classic snake game from nokia phones / NIBBLES.BAS on QBASIC. (actually I guess the classic snake game dates back to a late 70's arcade named "Hustle") Snek Gaym includes multiplayer, sounds, color character graphics, and it's pretty fun. It's a spin on the 'My naym is Snek' meme (google it haha). It's still not finished though, I have to add highscores, an intro screen, and I have a few other fun ideas along with a bug or two to squash. Its very playable though, hope you all like it.
My start at a clone of the original arcade Asteroids. I found the original vector coordinates for the asteroids ship online and used them for this version. Currently the ship physics are implemented (turning, thrust, wraparound, and hyperspace) but no bullets or asteroids. You can see the frames per second in the upper left, lower the SHIPTIME variable to increase the FPS. Currently it draws the ship once every 30ms and it takes about 3ms to draw, so it averages 30 FPS. It looks butter smooth at high FPS but I think I'll need that 30ms for the rest of the game's processing. If you tweak the SHIPTIME variable you should also play with ACCFACTOR and DRAGFACTOR which control how quickly the ship accelerates and slows down, respectively. I also included a program called ASTEROIDGEN.BAS that randomly generates asteroids, and I plan to incorporate this into the game to create asteroid shape data. I have a lot of work yet to do, but it's coming along great considering I'm not a programmer lol
Procedural Snowflake Generator
I wrote this this little program to create snowflakes and output .GCODE files for plotting on 50 blank holiday postcards. The program will also save a .PCX of the snowflake after saving the GCODE file so you can know what each GCODE file looks like before plotting.
coming soon...
I am working on a vector graphics code base / library that allows for all kinds of things like rotation (radians or degrees), shear in x or y, uniform scale, scale in x or y, etc. with any series of coordinates stored in an array. I found the original Asteroid font coordinate data online and now am able to print text in the asteroids font and apply any of the transforms and translations on it. But this can be used to draw any vector data on screen. Stay tuned, I'll post more info here when I get it closer to finished.