I looked at the compatible boards section, looks pretty good. The Tauon PC-1 and T95Super both have HDMI and CVBS outputs. In Engine BASIC NG the Tauon can display HDMI AND CVBS (at the same time) whereas the T95 can display HDMI OR CVBS (HDMI takes precedence). A funny thing is in Android 10 the T95 can disply HDMI & CVBS at the same time but not in Engine BASIC NG.
Another board that runs EB NG is the Libre ALL-H3-CC 1GB H3 board (the 2GB board is an H5 CPU so prob not compatible). I haven't tried it with the CVBS output yet.
I'm supposed to be getting a Nanopi M1 H3 512MB sbc from the UK. I bought it on 10/25 and am supposed to have it by 11/18. It is not marked as shipped and I've written the seller with no response. As of 4PM tomorrow eBay will have to become involved. I'm disappointed as I really wanted to try it for EB NG. I could mount it on my UPerfect 7" LCD and run it from my battery pack. Just add keyboard and instant portable Engine BASIC system. I'll post if I ever get it.
I have no idea how to join Github. If I figure it out I'd be glad to work on the documentation project. I used to write how-tos for Ecomstation&OS/2 Warp. And I'll write a bit more about my T95Super testing on that thread.