I guess this is a question directed at @uli but maybe other people may be interested.

With this new generation on BE, a lot of documentation needs to be created, and I was wondering if there's a way any of us can help with it?

I checked what's currently on the site, and saw that the documentation is created in AsciiDoc using AsciiDoctor. So I installed it, and read a bit about it, and saw that's more or less a more sophisticated Markdown. I can probably create a custom CSS without much problem, if needed.

There's also a wiki at GitHub, that seems to be rather forgotten, so maybe we can contribute with that too.

So, is there anything specific that need immediate attention we can contribute to?

Personally, I'm in between projects at work, so I'll have some spare time I can dedicate to help with it.

Btw: @uli to contribute to the GitHub Wiki, I believe you have to add us as contributors. My GitHub user is damianvila. If you can add me to the wiki, I'll start adding info to it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sorry, didn't have much time to look into this. I have added you as a contributor to the Wiki, though.

The reference part of the manual is auto-generated from "basicdoc" comments in the code (my variety of javadoc), and https://basicengine.org/manual.html is regenerated for every build.

I'd welcome additions to the non-reference part of the manual (i.e. doc/manual.adoc), if you can think of something.

    uli Sorry, didn't have much time to look into this. I have added you as a contributor to the Wiki, though.

    Nice! Iโ€™ll try to add to it, so people have another place to find info. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    uli The reference part of the manual is auto-generated from "basicdoc" comments in the code (my variety of javadoc), and https://basicengine.org/manual.html is regenerated for every build.

    Yes, I guessed it was auto-generated in some way. If you want anything CSS related, just let me know (I guess thatโ€™s the most I can do for it).

    uli I'd welcome additions to the non-reference part of the manual (i.e. doc/manual.adoc), if you can think of something.

    I downloaded that. Iโ€™ll think if I can do something with it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    4 days later

    I've been working a bit on the wiki. There's still lots to do, but I'll try to keep adding information. Let me know if you find anything that needs to be changed. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Hawk replied to this.

      Dmian It's looking good. We need to expend the information regarding the available text editors and the editting commands that they use.
      I previously made one for the BE NG editor, but now there appears to be more choice.

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