@CityAceE I'm now working on the glyphs for Bescii. Here's a little preview. I wanted to check with you to see if I'm on the right path. If you see something that looks weird or needs to be changed, let me know.
I used a couple sources as inspiration, so I'm not creating anything new, but even native speakers sometimes don't solve the problems presented with quite the same skill.
It may still take a bit, because I'm re-creating the font in a different (cheaper) version of the program I used that can't open the original files, and then I need to convert to TrueType, since this version doesn't export in that format, and check that everything works as expected. At the same type, I'm expanding the font with Greek, and reviewing a few characters I didn't like much (I will probably change the game glyphs quite a bit). I'm also adding something Ulrich asked me too, that was missing (the white bullet). 😄
So, this will most probably be version 2 of the font. I'll keep you updated on the progress.